One day itinerary in Cape Town
So you’re headed to Cape Town for a quick visit and you’re looking to pack as much Capetonian flair into one day as possible? No problem, we’ve got just the thing.
So you’re headed to Cape Town for a quick visit and you’re looking to pack as much Capetonian flair into one day as possible? No problem, we’ve got just the thing.
Cape Town has plenty to offer both locals and tourists, and it’s hard to find a way to balance out the quirky hole-in-the-wall joints that locals love with the tourist…
Cape Town isn't a huge city, as big cities go, but there's more to see and do than you could fit into two years, never mind two days. It's a…
A week is a good amount of time to spend in Cape Town. It's long enough to take in the big attractions, but also focus on your own particular interests…